Tuesday, January 29, 2013

A new project

On top of all my other projects, including my dad's taxes and my own, I've started another: a d100 retro-clone compatible with OD&D and S&W White Box. It'll have levels, hit dice, and an armor class easily translatable to AC or AAC.


  1. Out of curiosity, why a percentile system? More granularity?

  2. Sometimes you feel like a nut. My two favorite early systems were C&S and EPT, both percentile systems. Interestingly, I never played RQ, so that's not an influence. Unlike 3d6, everyone knows what the odds are.

    1. That sounds like a neat idea. Will spellcasters have a percentage chance to successfully cast a spell?

    2. Yes, spells are skills, and they both use the same table. The chance goes up as they gain experience.

  3. I'm really interested in how this turns out. I've been fooling with a percentile old school game too.
