So this is my first straight AD&D 1E character that I've rolled up since 1980. I did this in preparation for a new AD&D campaign a friend is running through the A1-4 series Scourge of the Slave Lords. I wanted to get used to the rules, especially multiclassing, so I wouldn't be completely lost when I created my character.
I think I did everything right. The attributes were rolled 4d6 drop lowest.
Here's what I have. I like him.

Legbar Gimbootle, 1st level Gnome Illusionist/Thief
STR: 9
INT: 15 17
WIS: 10
DEX: 16 17 +2 missile/+2 surprise/-3 AC
CON: 17 12 +2 HP
CHA: 17 11 10 henchmen/+30% loyalty/+30% reaction
Alignment: CN
XP: +10% XP Thief
HD: d4/d6
HP: 7
Cash: 11 gp
AC: 8
Gnome Racial Abilities
+4 Magic Save
Mining skill (detect grade, detect unsafe area, detect depth, detect direction
+1 Attack bonus on Goblins and Kobolds
-4 to attacks from gnolls, bugbears, ogres, trolls, ogre magi, giants, titans
Burrowing Mammal
Thieves Cant
Suloise (Greyhawk)
Thiefly Abilities
Pick Pockets: 35%, Open Locks: 40%, Find/Rm Traps: 30%,
Move Silently: 25%, Hide: 20%, Hear Noise: 20%, Climb: 60%
Magical Abilities
To Know Spell: 75%, Minimum 8, Maximum 14
Cantrips: Colored Lights, Noise, Mask, Mirage (I didn't do Cantrips correctly the first time)
Useful: Chill, Clean, Color, Dampen, Dry, Dust, Exterminate, Freshen, Polish, Salt, Spice, Sweeten, Tie.
Reversed: Dirty, Hairy (I kid you not)
Legerdemain: Change, Distract, Palm
Person-affecting: Belch, Giggle, Scratch, Wink
Personal: Bee, Bug, Firefinger, Gnats, Unlock
Haunting-sounds: Creak, Footfall, Groan, Moan (what really is the difference between a groan and a moan?), Rattle, Tap
Illusionist: Colored Lights, Dim, Haze, Mask, Noise, Rainbow.
Useful: Chill, Clean, Color, Dampen, Dry, Dust, Exterminate, Freshen, Polish, Salt, Spice, Sweeten, Tie.
Reversed: Dirty, Hairy (I kid you not)
Legerdemain: Change, Distract, Palm
Person-affecting: Belch, Giggle, Scratch, Wink
Personal: Bee, Bug, Firefinger, Gnats, Unlock
Haunting-sounds: Creak, Footfall, Groan, Moan (what really is the difference between a groan and a moan?), Rattle, Tap
Illusionist: Colored Lights, Dim, Haze, Mask, Noise, Rainbow.
Spells: Phantasmal Forces, Audible Glamer
Leather armor, shortbow, quiver 12 arrows, short sword, backpack, lantern, oil 4, belt pouch, waterskin, rations std, wine, thieves tools.
For the Slave Lords game, I'm still not sure what I'm going to play. Maybe a this Gnome Illusionist-Thief, maybe a Elf Druid, maybe something else. We'll see. I'll let you know.
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