Rule Systems
Warriors of the Red Planet (POD) (Blog)- My WotRP Resource Page -- mostly my Tekumel: The Latter Times campaign
- Adventure: Slavelords of Cydonia
Under the Moons of Zoon (Website) (free PDF) (POD)
Savage Swords of Athanor (PDF)
A planetary romance/swords and sorcery rules and setting for Swords and Wizardry.
Amazing MARS PDF bundle, including main rulebook plus seven adventures, a sandbox, and a miniatures combat supplement to Showdown. All for $9.99.
GURPS Planet Krishna (website)
The Viagens Interplanetarias series by L. Sprague deCamp is translated to a roleplaying setting in this GURPS sourcebook.
GURPS Mars (website) (PDF)
This GURPS sourcebook contains several Mars-based campaigns, including a sword and planet setting.

Peril on the Purple Planet
An upcoming DCC boxed adventure and setting set.
Carcosa (PDF)
A science fantasy sandbox setting for Lamentations of the Flame Princess.
Swords of Mars (Google Doc)
This is the house rules and Martian setting notes of Doug Easterly.
Apocalypse World
Adventures on Dungeon Planet (PDF/POD)
This is a science fantasy supplement.
The Dictionary of Mu
This out-of-print supplement to Sorcerer describes a pulpy science fantasy setting.
This out-of-print supplement to Sorcerer describes a pulpy science fantasy setting.
Black Amazon of Mars (drive)
Enchantress of Venus (drive)
Revelations of Mars
An upcoming Kickstarter bringing the Ubiquity system to Mars.
Thundarr the Barbarian
Under the Broken Moon -- Uses the WaRP engine, first seen in Over the Edge.
Crawling Under a Broken Moon -- this fanzine recreates the world of Thundarr the Barbarian using DCC rules.
Revelations of Mars
An upcoming Kickstarter bringing the Ubiquity system to Mars.
Thundarr the Barbarian
Under the Broken Moon -- Uses the WaRP engine, first seen in Over the Edge.
Crawling Under a Broken Moon -- this fanzine recreates the world of Thundarr the Barbarian using DCC rules.

Crawljammer -- this fanzine has resources for running DCC as a Spelljammer-style science fantasy campaign.
Crawling Under a Broken Moon -- this fanzine recreates the world of Thundarr the Barbarian using DCC rules.
All fiction links point to Project Gutenberg, the oldest archive of public domain books on the Internet.
If you poke around the site (search for 'burroughs') and you will find audio books of some of these.
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